I had planned to make my next update about spring break, but these kitten pictures are just begging to be posted first. The mother - I hesitate to call her my cat; she's more of a cat that comes to my apartment for food and shelter when she feels like it - has been living with me on and off since last fall. A mouse was giving me some trouble so I picked this cat up off the street. More concretely, I picked her up out of the dumpster, hence her name, "Garbage Cat"

(although I have also been calling her "Anyang" lately). She took care of the mouse and kept coming back after that, which was fine with me; I liked the company, and once I started feeding her she gave up dumpster diving and no longer smelled like garbage. She had this litter of three last Tuesday. Two are splotchy black and white, like her, the third is black and tan. It's hard to tell, but I think the split is two female and one male.
I'll get those spring break pics up hopefully within the next week.
Hey what does Anyang mean?
Not to compare my little brother to a cat, but when he was littler, we used to call him Sayang or yang-yang (its diminutive) which was meant "Luv" in Malay language. :o)
Anyang...yeah, cause that's not going to get old.
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